Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 25, 2010 
Salt and Light 
Sharon Jaynes Today's Truth:
"You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:12,13 NIV). 

Friend To Friend 

You are the salt of the earth.

Have you ever tasted potatoes without salt added?  They are bland, blasé, and blah.  Likewise, a world without Christians would be very unappealing.

Salt has three primary purposes. It preserves, heals, and gives flavor.  As Christians, one of our privileges is to preserve what is right and good in the world in which we live.  Satan is referred to as a roaring lion.  He prowls around seeking to rip Judeo-Christian values from the government, public schools, entertainment industry, and the very fabric of life.  Christians, on the other hand, serve to preserve the values of our godly heritage. 

Salt is also an effective healing agent. Gargling with salt water helps heal a sore throat, swimming in a salty sea helps heal a skinned knee, and fellowshipping with "salty" Christians helps heal wounded souls by introducing them to spiritual, mental and physical wellness afforded them through a relationship with Jehovah Rapha - the One who heals.

The most common use of salt is to add flavor, and as Christians, we add flavor to our world.  A gourmet cook once told me that salt not only gives food the salty flavor, but it also brings out the natural flavor of the food to which it is added.  As Christians, we should bring out the best in other people as well.

You are the light of the world.

Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth."  He also said, "You are the light of the world."
For eighteen years, I worked as a Dental Hygienist.  Fourteen of those years I worked with my husband, Steve, and four to six other Christian women.  When I think back on those days, I see our team as a chandelier of light: individual yet united to shine the light of Christ to our patients. In the reception room, Newsweek, Southern Living, and Better Homes and Gardens were mixed in with Focus on the Family, Guidepost, and Decision magazines. 

Steve and his assistant volleyed ideas about various aspects of the Christian faith back and forth like a tennis ball over a net while they worked on patients.  Talk about a captive audience!  We prayed with patients, sent them books, and listened to their family problems.  Someone once asked, "Aren't you afraid you'll offend someone and lose patients?"

"Someone might leave," I answered.  "But a person can get into heaven with a cavity, but they can't get to heaven without knowing Christ."

In our own simple way, we were being light in a very dark world.

Think for a moment about what light does.  It drives out darkness.  Even the smallest birthday candle in a darkened coliseum will push the darkness aside.  Jesus encourages Christians not to hide their light under a bushel, but to put it on a stand to be seen by all. Jesus said He was the light of the world. He has put that same light in you.  It is part of your new identity.

Robert Louis Stevenson said, "When a happy man comes into a room, it is as if another candle has been lighted." How much more does a Christian who has something to be truly happy about light up a room!

Let's Pray
Dear Lord, I look around and see what the world would be like if all the Christian influences were removed.  Help me to make a difference in my sphere of influence, bring the healing of Jesus Christ with those I come in contact, and encourage the best in others to surface. Help me be salt and light in the world.
In Jesus' Name,

Monday, January 4, 2010

Flying Through A Terrible Storm

from Crosswalk.com

Flying Through A Terrible Storm

Even the wind and waves obey him (Mark 4:41, NLT).

Dear Friends,

"Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats and keep your seat belts fastened. We should be out of the storm in a few moments..."

The calm voice over the intercom was hardly reassuring as our Pan Am 707 jetliner pierced the fury of a storm during our flight from New York to Washington, D.C. The sky flashed as lightning forked its tongue seemingly just inches away from the plane. Swirling winds tore at the plane's metal skin, and the aircraft bounced and shuddered in the turbulence, like a leaf in a windstorm.

I gripped Vonette's hand and turned to look at her strained face. "I don't know how much longer the plane can endure this storm without breaking into pieces," I said.

The 707 began to twist -- first to the right, then to the left -- in the increasing fury. The shaky laughter around me faded into an eerie silence, broken only by the calm voice of the flight attendant. Through the windows we could see the wings flapping almost like those of a giant bird struggling frantically against a violent downdraft.

Vonette leaned toward me, and I felt the gentle pressure of her hand entwined in mine. Softly, we began praying, our words flowing together in supplication to our precious Savior. Convinced that our aircraft could not survive the turbulence much longer, I tenderly said goodbye to my dear Vonette and she to me. Then, together, we told our wonderful Lord that we were ready to meet Him if He desired.

Suddenly, I thought of how the Lord Jesus had calmed the winds and water on the sea when His disciples feared that their boat would capsize during another violent storm. Knowing His power and love for all His children, I prayed aloud, "Lord, you are the God of all creation. You control the laws of nature. You quieted the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Quiet this storm!"

Immediately the rain and turbulence stopped!

Vonette stared at me in amazement, then smiled slightly. "Now, why didn't we pray that prayer earlier?"

I squeezed her hand and grinned back. You can be sure that Vonette and I continued to thank and praise the Lord for hearing our prayers and saving our lives.

We learned later that the lightning had knocked a huge hole in the fuselage near the cockpit, destroying all the radar equipment. The pilot said this was the most violent storm he had ever experienced in millions of miles of flying.

Let us always remember to pray God's Word, at all times, not just times of danger.

Yours for helping to fulfill the Great Commission each year until our Lord returns,

Bill Bright