Sunday, January 20, 2008

In case you were wondering.

Yeah, i'm professing my love in korean...

...towards my pillow, that is.

Working in Guardian is a real life sucker. I now totally understand the dynamics of working life ( the dynamics of seeing a steak being grilled) All I am pretty much doing is eat sleep work, eat sleep work and freak show repeats itself again one more time. (Don't mind the grammar. It's intentional.)

Yesterday was my off day but I didn't keep my word on the blogging part, due to the oh-so-nice fact that i'm a born procrastinator. (Look on the bright side, people. At least I admit my weaknesses.)
So I felt bad and I decided to blog today. To make up to my pals.
If you actually believed any of that, you are both very innocent and naive. :P
Nahna, I was singing odes to my lovely pillow.... and also "boiling porridge" for 3 hours on the phone with my bestie... mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Honestly? I'm online today because I'm checking whether my applications went through and qualify for any interviews. No word from them, so you get words from me. Haha.

Well, gotta go. My pillow beckonssssss....

Sheesh, I shouldn't have read LOTR again. I'm stuck at the JRRT version of the two towers for 3 weeks now. PJ version version, here I come...
Did I buy the movie trilogy in the first place? (digging the dvd junk pile)

Wish me luck!

Hope you guys will have a blast during the Lunar New Year. Beware of werewolves though. *mad grin*

Thursday, January 3, 2008


5th december blogging. RIGHT.

Procrastination is soooooo my middle name. Though it's only partly true. I have a VERY GOOD reason to not blog. I haven't been checking my mail/friendster/facebook either. So if not blogging as I had promised is a federal case, sue me.


Anyway, year 2007,
5th Dec: Was the last day of my exams (i.e. HELL) so I took a day off. Just a date with me and my pillow.
6th Dec: Packing up to go to Kuala Lumpur, finish up my forms and get ready for TOEFL and drafting my admission essays like crazy.
9th Dec: In KL. MAD MAD MAD five days of my life. TOEFL and met up with friend (yeah, i only met up with YOU, Mitch)
14th Dec: Flew off to Brunei to see my sis. (Note to all: DO NOT go there if you're a pure city-lifer. It's a just a BIG kampung)
18th Dec: Midnight flight back to KL. 'nuff said.
19th Dec: In KL. More shopping (soooo friggin' not. Just Shinnen groceries.) Fruitless scholarship hunting.
20th Dec: Bussing back to ham yue land(Kuantan). Felt like salted fish, stink and all.
21st Dec: Writing all my essays, and whatever else....
24th Dec: Sent everything. Phew!
25th Dec: Christmas service. Went for a walk-in interview. Got the job.
26th Dec: Started work. Worked my ass off (opening of a new store, all from scratch and the opening's in 3 days time. 14 hours a day! Oh ****!!)
30th Dec: Opening. Can't believe we were able to pull it off.

3rd Jan, 2008: OFF DAY AT LONG LAST! Finally some TV after one whole month.

ONE MONTH?!! what the .....

Ja, Ja. Tomorrow's working again. Tired like a donkey though. See ya on my next off day. That is if I'm not too tired, mi amigos.