Thursday, January 3, 2008


5th december blogging. RIGHT.

Procrastination is soooooo my middle name. Though it's only partly true. I have a VERY GOOD reason to not blog. I haven't been checking my mail/friendster/facebook either. So if not blogging as I had promised is a federal case, sue me.


Anyway, year 2007,
5th Dec: Was the last day of my exams (i.e. HELL) so I took a day off. Just a date with me and my pillow.
6th Dec: Packing up to go to Kuala Lumpur, finish up my forms and get ready for TOEFL and drafting my admission essays like crazy.
9th Dec: In KL. MAD MAD MAD five days of my life. TOEFL and met up with friend (yeah, i only met up with YOU, Mitch)
14th Dec: Flew off to Brunei to see my sis. (Note to all: DO NOT go there if you're a pure city-lifer. It's a just a BIG kampung)
18th Dec: Midnight flight back to KL. 'nuff said.
19th Dec: In KL. More shopping (soooo friggin' not. Just Shinnen groceries.) Fruitless scholarship hunting.
20th Dec: Bussing back to ham yue land(Kuantan). Felt like salted fish, stink and all.
21st Dec: Writing all my essays, and whatever else....
24th Dec: Sent everything. Phew!
25th Dec: Christmas service. Went for a walk-in interview. Got the job.
26th Dec: Started work. Worked my ass off (opening of a new store, all from scratch and the opening's in 3 days time. 14 hours a day! Oh ****!!)
30th Dec: Opening. Can't believe we were able to pull it off.

3rd Jan, 2008: OFF DAY AT LONG LAST! Finally some TV after one whole month.

ONE MONTH?!! what the .....

Ja, Ja. Tomorrow's working again. Tired like a donkey though. See ya on my next off day. That is if I'm not too tired, mi amigos.

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